“Behold, I am making all things new. Write, for these words are faithful and true.” Revelation 21:5
That Scripture certainly brings hope, doesn’t it?
“…all things new!”
All things…this world we live in, our environment, our bodies, our minds. The concept of “all things new” is hard to grasp, but that passage also says, “These words are faithful and true.” We can trust it, and we can believe it.
Sometimes we just need to pause for a moment and ponder the grandeur and power of the Almighty God. He is able to do what He says. He is the beginning and the end.
We all enjoy new things. As we embark upon whatever season of life we are in, we have hope for better days ahead. We look forward to new experiences, new relationships, and even new attitudes. But unfortunately, those aspirations will be challenged by tragedy, disappointment, and failures. It’s simply proof that we are living in a fallen world. We as human beings are prone to sin and weakness, but the thought of “all things new” sure has an appealing ring to it.
And thankfully, there is good news. Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, is the One seated on the Heavenly Throne at the right hand of the Father. Jesus is the One that is fully capable of turning the old into new. Spiritually, that goes for our hearts, as well. Jesus can create in us a clean heart, one that is new and fresh, free from the blots of sin, shame, or failure. In fact, God’s Word promises that we become new creatures when we fully trust Jesus as our Savior, trusting Him in faith to forgive us for those times we have failed, whether they be great or small.
So, let go of the past. Give your sins, mistakes, and baggage to the only One who can use them for HIS glory.
Trust Jesus in faith and step into the new things He has for you – today!
Written by Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH