“Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.”
1 Thessalonians 4: 17
The word rapture, comes from the phrase “caught up together” (1 Thess. 4: 17). It literally means to “snatch up quickly” and is believed to refer to Christ gathering up the church before His second coming. Now the actual word rapture, like the word trinity, never appears in the Bible. However, both doctrines are clearly taught in Scripture. (See John 14: 1-4, Rev 3:10, Matt 24: 37-41, Matt 25:1-13 for more study.)
Still there exists multiple theories regarding how the details of the rapture will play out: Will it actually occur? When exactly in the final days will it happen? I believe scriptures are quite clear in referencing a rapture or gathering up of Christ’s church which will occur before or during the “tribulation” years described in Revelation 6-18. However, the key point in this discussion is that no one will know the exact date or time. So, while studying what Scripture say about the End Times is very important, our ultimate mission is to be ready for Christ’s coming at any time.
What does it mean to be ready? This means being sure of your salvation and eternal life in Christ. It’s also about living in His will day by day, as well as fulfilling His mission of sharing the God News of Christ with every people group on earth. So if Christ returned today, would you be ready? In Christ, you can be sure. No longer if a person asks if you are ready should you say, “I hope so” or “I want to be,” but rather followers of Jesus can confidently say, “Absolutely, I am ready!” Not because I deserve it- I don’t. But through Christ’s death on the cross and my faith in Him- He has made me ready. So are you ready?
Have more questions about the End Times and recognizing the signs of which Jesus spoke? Key insights to these questions and more are available in Bryant’s latest book, The Stage is Set, available in paperback, Kindle, and CD at www.amazon.com or anywhere books or e-books are sold.