Do you experience fear in your life?
We all do.
In the face of life’s tribulations, the Bible encourages us to choose “faith over fear” and to live out a “living faith.” Through the experiences of Biblical figures like Abraham and Gideon, we gain a profound understanding of this principle.
Let’s dig in.
In the Bible, we encounter Abraham, known as the father of faith, yet he also had his moments of fear (Genesis 12:10-20). In fact, fear became his downfall when he stopped trusting in God and took matters into his own hands. The result? A cascade of events brought more harm than good, clearly illustrating that faith and fear cannot coexist. Faith relies on God’s sovereignty, while fear urges us to seize control, often leading to undesirable outcomes.
So, the question is, “What happens when we surrender our fears and lean into faith?”
Gideon was a man consumed by fear and self-doubt. His people were oppressed, and he saw himself as the least of his family from the weakest clan (Judges 6:15). Yet, in the midst of his fear, God saw something different. God saw a mighty warrior and commissioned Gideon to lead Israel against their oppressors.
Gideon’s initial response was fear and hesitation. He questioned God, “If the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us?” (Judges 6:13). Yet, God reassured him, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” (Judges 6:14). This was Gideon’s call to a living faith.
Despite his fear, Gideon chose to obey God, acting in faith rather than fear. The result was a miraculous victory, with Gideon and his vastly outnumbered army defeating the Midianites. Gideon’s story is a powerful testament to the victory that comes from choosing faith over fear, even in the direst circumstances.
What is remarkable about both these stories is God’s perspective. God sees beyond our fears and limitations. He sees our potential and knows His plans for us. God looked past Gideon’s fear and saw a mighty warrior. He looked at Abraham, who acted out of fear and saw the father of nations
You see, God sees possibilities where we see dead ends. God uses seemingly hopeless situations to display His glory and power. He uses our weaknesses, our failures, and our fears as platforms for His strength and glory. What a mighty God we serve!
This should give us hope and encourage us to trust God’s perspective over our limited understanding. When we choose faith over fear, we open ourselves to see as God sees and allow Him to work miracles in and through us.
In our lives, we will encounter situations that will push us toward fear. But we have a choice. Like Abraham and Gideon, we can choose faith over fear.
Living faith is about trusting God even when we cannot see the way. It’s about believing that God is in control and that He works all things for our good. Living faith is about surrendering our control and letting God be God in our lives.
When we choose living faith, we invite God’s power into our lives. We allow Him to turn our weaknesses into strengths, our failures into victories, and our fears into faith. In the face of uncertainty and fear, let us be encouraged to live out our faith, trusting in God’s unfailing love and sovereignty.
The stories of Abraham and Gideon remind us that God works for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). These men had their moments of fear and doubt, yet their stories didn’t end there. God still used them, despite their weaknesses and failures
And my friend, God can use each of us. But first, we have to surrender our fears and embrace faith. Where in your life have you been acting out of fear rather than faith? It’s never too late to change direction, return to God, and start living out your faith.
Hold on to the hope we find in these stories: Our God is a God of second chances. He turns our fear into faith, our trials into triumphs, and our tests into testimonies. Choose living faith over fear today and experience the transformative power of trusting in God’s plans for your life.
Remember, God sees beyond our fears and uncertainties. He sees our potential and His perfect plan for us. Let’s be encouraged to live out our faith boldly, knowing that God is with us, guiding us every step of the way. Faith over fear is not just a slogan; it’s a lifestyle of trust, obedience, and complete surrender to God.
Embrace living faith today, and watch as God transforms your fears into a powerful testimony of His faithfulness.