“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual act of worship.” Romans 12:1
Imagine tv producers come to you and want to make a reality show about your life.
If you agree to their offer, a camera crew will follow you around 24 hours a day/seven days a week, filming every detail of your daily existence for six months.
Here’s my question:
As the world watches your life unfold on the screen, would it be clear that you are a worshiper of Jesus?
To say it another way, take a look at the totality of your everyday life:
…your actions
…your reactions
…your attitudes
…how you handle stress
…how you manage your finances
…your work ethic on the job
…your hobbies
…your interactions with your family, etc…
Would non-believers conclude that your life is distinctly different from theirs because you worship Jesus as Lord?
Worship, after all, is not just an activity that only takes place on Sundays. We worship by the way we live throughout the week.
In theory, this sounds great.
But practically speaking, what does it really look like to worship Jesus in everyday life?
Perhaps Christians in Rome struggled with this same issue.
In today’s Scripture reference (one of the most renowned verses in the entire New Testament), the Apostle Paul helps us understand how worship becomes not just an event we attend on Sunday, but an everyday reality.
Allow me to briefly dissect Paul’s words, knowing I’m only scratching the surface of the beautiful truth within.
“I urge you” – Notice the intensity of Paul’s tone. What he’s about to say is of the utmost importance.
“In view of God’s mercy”- We are to be ever mindful of the mercy we’ve received from the Lord. This helps us stay in a mindset of worship throughout the day. Mercy motivates us to do what Paul says next.
“Offer your bodies as living sacrifices”- From the time we get up, we seek to lay our lives down. We yield every aspect of our day to the Lord in continuous surrender. Though we are very much alive, we make a conscious choice to die to ourselves. He alone is worthy of such a sacrifice.
“Holy and pleasing to God”- Holiness means that our life is completely set apart to the Lord. No matter where we go, what we do, or when we do it, our life is not our own. We belong to Him. Seeking to live this way pleases the heart of God.
“Our spiritual act of worship”- The Greek word for ‘worship’ is better translated, ‘service.’ We should seek opportunities to serve the Lord throughout each day. Approaching everything we do as an act of service infuses even the most mundane task with purpose.
We all fall woefully short of living this out on a daily basis.
But today, I pray Paul’s words will run deep in our bones and course through our veins, transforming every square inch of our lives into an act of worship.
Remember, the cameras are rolling!
(Well, not really…but the world is watching.)
Written by Jonathan Munson, Executive Director, RFTH