Written by Jonathan Munson, Executive Director, RFTH
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.”
Romans 8:1
“I am convinced that neither death nor life…nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Romans 8:38
Have you ever played the game “Two Truths And A Lie?”
It’s a fun way to ‘break the ice’ and get to know the people around you.
Here’s how it works. You write down two truths and one lie about yourself. Then, your friends, co-workers, etc., try to guess which of the three statements is a lie.
Well, truth be told, life isn’t all fun and games. We have an adversary who is hellbent on taking us out. Satan, “the Father of lies,” (John 8:44) fills our minds, not with one lie, but with an abundance of untruths and false accusations.
That’s why it’s critical that we continually anchor ourselves in the truth of God’s Word.
I want to focus our attention on two truths from Romans 8, one of the most glorious chapters in all of the Bible. One truth is from the beginning of the chapter, and the other is at the very end. Think of these truths as bookends, bracketing the rich wisdom found in between.
“No Condemnation” If you are a Jesus-follower, you are no longer under “condemnation,” not today, not tomorrow, not ever. How can this be? Because Jesus, the innocent Son of God, bore your guilt on the cross. He was condemned, so you never would be. One pastor even refers to Romans 8:1 as the believer’s “Emancipation Proclamation,” meaning once you’ve accepted Christ as your Savior, your status before God has fundamentally and irrevocably changed. At one time, apart from Christ, you stood justly condemned. But now, in Christ, you stand gloriously free.
Though you still struggle with sin, nothing you do…or don’t do…can ever reverse your new position in Christ.
While the Spirit will convict you, He does not condemn you. Spirit-led conviction leads you back to the Father. Enemy-filled condemnation leads you away from the Father.
So, if you hear Satan’s condemning whisper, reject it for the lie that it is. Run to the Father and rejoice in the truth that right here, right now, there is no condemnation.
“No Separation” Scripture never hides the fact that life in a sin-shattered world is often filled with enormous difficulty. But you must not…even for a moment…think that suffering means that God doesn’t love you. Jesus has once and for all demonstrated His love for you on the cross (Romans 5:8). Unlike the fickle love of man, Jesus’ love is eternal. It endures forever, even in your darkest, most discouraging moments. Though you will have days when it feels like He doesn’t love you, you must resist the temptation to believe that Jesus has abandoned you in your adversity. That is a lie from the enemy!
As Tim Keller so aptly says, you must learn to “judge your circumstances by Jesus’ love, not Jesus’ love by your circumstances.” He loves you on your good days, and He loves you on your bad days. It is impossible for anything, whether cancer, divorce, chronic pain, death of a loved one, betrayal, job loss, shattered dreams, overwhelming bills, dysfunctional relationships, etc. to ever separate you from His unchanging love.
There you have it.
Two transformational truths to help you fight the lies of the enemy. Let them seep into your bones and transform your perspective.
Though your circumstances may be bleak, grab hold of them like you’re dangling from a cliff, and they are the only things keeping you from sudden death.
In Jesus, there is no condemnation and no separation.
Praise God!
Read “Who Shall Separate Us From the Love of Christ?” at GotQuestions.org