“Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully, inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories. It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven.”
1 Peter 1:10-12
Peter takes us back to the prophets of the Old Testament.
He reminds the church of all they’ve heard and learned from the prophets about the Messiah. There are over three hundred Old Testament prophesies about the Messiah fulfilled by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Prophets spoke on behalf of God, pointing to the salvation coming from the Messiah – but they could not see the whole picture. They searched and inquired when and how these things would happen. They knew this was not about themselves – this prophecy was a testimony to those who would receive the message of salvation in future generations. When you receive Christ and trust in His grace, you receive a gift that fulfills the prophecies, and you see the culmination of what the prophets could only dream of!
This also reminds us that our faith in Christ is not just for us. Just as the prophets were not serving themselves, neither do we serve ourselves. When we live by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, we have no idea how God may use our faith to point others to his love and grace.
The greatest kingdom impact of your life may not be what you do but a child you raise, how you give, or who you share the gospel with. You have no idea how standing in the gospel during a difficult season may become a testimony that leads others to Christ. God may use your testimony of faith to lead your grandkids to trust Jesus. He may use your witness to impact a family in your neighborhood who may have a child who trusts and follows Jesus and then points others to this good news.
Peter is encouraging us to live in the reality that when we live by faith, we can be used by God in ways we could not imagine!
Verse 12 takes this a step further by showing us “angels long to look” into our salvation. This is amazing to consider! Angels are not tainted by the brokenness of sin. They have a perspective in the presence of God that we could not fully grasp. They are engaged in the spiritual battle that is being fought between the forces of darkness and the kingdom of light, and they get a front-row seat to witness the power of the gospel when a life has been saved by grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus.
Angels know there is nothing more beautiful than when a person moves from death to life. There is nothing more beautiful than a resurrection. Our salvation is so beautiful and powerful that the angels are in awe! If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you have a living hope that angels long to see.
You have been raised from death to live and the angels of heaven celebrate your life in Jesus Christ.
So let’s join in the celebration!
Taken from a sermon by George Wright, Senior Pastor, Shades Mountain Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL.
Read “What Does It Mean That Angels Long to Look Into These Things?” at GotQuestions.org