“…to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.”
Ephesians 1:6
Grace reminds us of who God is and what he has done.
It gives us a new story. It changes us. When we truly understand the good news of the gospel and the gift we have been given as a child of God, it will lead to worship and gratitude. It leads to praise!
What does your worship look like? When you gather at church, are you bored? When you sing songs about God, does your mind wander? If worship means just going through the motions, then return to the Gospel. If your worship is stale and stagnant, return to the Gospel. If worship is about music style, personal preference, or performance, you must return to the gospel!
And when you do return to the gospel remembering the amazing grace of God through Jesus Christ, you remember who you were apart from Christ and what he has done for you. He set you free from your past. He freed you from your sin by the power of His grace. When you remember, then worship will come pouring out of you! You will worship to the praise of His glorious grace. God’s love and grace lead us to worship!
Is this your identity? Are you a worshipper? Perhaps today, God is leading you back to the good news of the gospel, opening your eyes again to the amazing grace He is pouring out over you. As you are reminded of His kindness, consider your friends, family, and neighbors who don’t yet know Jesus. Will you pray for them and invite them to accept Jesus and worship the one true God?
Perhaps today is the day planned before the foundation of the world for you to be called a saint. Perhaps today, you long for you to become a son or daughter of the King. Perhaps today is the first time you will reach out to God in praise of His glorious grace.
Trust your life to Jesus and find your new identity in His love and grace toward you.
Taken from a sermon by George Wright, Senior Pastor, Shades Mountain Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL