Memorial Day is set aside to remember those who have fallen in our nation’s wars.
Sadly, the day will pass and most of us will be so caught up in picnics, family gatherings, or outdoor projects that we won’t even give much thought to the real meaning of the day.
That’s too bad because remembering does many things. It brings us back to the reality of what actually happened. It also encourages us to see the dedication of those who fought and died. Remembering stirs a sense of gratitude and appreciation, and it strengthens our resolve to do our part in serving God, our country, and others.
It’s not a holiday to sit and bicker about war. It’s not a holiday where the backyard grill takes center stage. It’s a holiday to remember people. And in doing this, we are responding to Memorial Day faithfully. We remember the sacredness of human life.
A life that was given.
A life that was taken.
A life that goes on.
So, whatever you do this Memorial Day, “remember to remember” people this holiday weekend. By doing this, we honor those who are no longer with us, and also display an example of faith, hope, and love to those who remain.
Written by Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH