“Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, ‘Go south to the road – the desert road – that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.’ So he started out, and on his way, he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of (the queen) …This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship.”
Acts 8: 26 -27
There’s nothing like seeing a person come to salvation in Jesus Christ.
That’s why Christ has called Christians to share this good news with others.
Philip, an evangelist in the early church, was very familiar with the power of the Gospel. From seeing firsthand the lives changed through supernatural healings and miracles in Samaria to obeying God when told to take a walk down a desert road – Philip boldly shared the Gospel wherever he went.
So what can we learn from the life of Philip?
Let the Spirit Lead. The biggest mistake Christians make when it comes to sharing the Gospel is not letting the Lord lead. Don’t be guilty of forcing a conversation out of guilt or remaining silent when the Spirit leads. It takes both faith and words to share the Gospel. Pay attention to the Holy Spirit and act.
God is working more than you realize. You never know what God is doing in a person’s heart and life. Don’t write anyone off.
Look for opportunities. Be pro-active and stay alert. I call these “unexpected, divine appointments.”
Know the Scriptures. When Philip ran into a man reading from the prophet Isaiah, he knew the exact meaning of that passage and was prepared to explain it.
All Scriptures point to Jesus. Philip knew that from the Old Testament to the New Testament, the Bible tells the story of Jesus.
The height of Philip’s ministry took place in Samaria, a land of Gentiles. Yet what Philip is most known for is sharing the Gospel with a man from Ethiopia.The man then took the Good News of Christ to the African continent.
The most important lesson we can learn from Philip’s life is that the Gospel is for everyone: Muslim or Hindu, Baptist or Mormon, prostitute or terrorist, Jew or Gentile.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for anyone willing to receive it.
Have you experienced the life-transforming power of the Good News of Christ? If you have, ask God to create opportunities for you to share the faith and hope you have in Jesus Christ with others.
Written by Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH
Read “Being a Bold Witness” by George Wright