“In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome . . .”
Commands often feel like a burden to us.
As children, we sighed at the all too familiar ones: Make up your bed. Clean your room. Do your homework. Eat your vegetables.
As adults, our commands carry more weight: Meet the new sales goal. Appear in court for the speeding ticket. Complete the extensive work proposal. Pay the ever-increasing property taxes.
Yet, in 1 John 5:3, we’re told that the commands of God are different. For the Christians, they are not a burden.
I think John gives us two reasons right in this passage.
First, a love for God helps us keep His commandments.
John explained that we express our love for God through obedience: “This is love for God: to keep his commands” (1 John 5:3a). A love for God will result in a desire to please and obey him. But let’s be clear: None of us will do it perfectly.
The Apostle Paul expressed this tension well in Romans 7 when he wrote, “I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out” (Romans 7:18). Even Paul struggled to fight sin and walk in obedience, but he desired to “do what is good.” His desire to obey and his pursuit of holiness, even though it wasn’t perfect, expressed his sincere love for God.
Second, faith in Christ makes obeying the commands of God a joy, not a burden.
John goes on to say that “everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4).
When the Holy Spirit gives you eyes to see and a heart to believe the gospel, you are born again and born of God. This new identity helps you see the world clearly. Though you’re still tempted to treasure things in it, you’re compelled to love Christ more.
This is the victory. The gift of your faith enables you to overcome the world by loving God the most. This love makes you want to obey Him, not begrudgingly, but with joy!
God’s commandments are not burdensome to His children. Through the work of Christ, He has put a desire in their hearts to obey Him and to trust that His ways are ultimately for their good and His glory.
Run, John, run, the law commands
But gives us neither feet nor hands,
Far better news the gospel brings:
It bids us fly and gives us wings
– John Bunyan
Written by Marjorie Roberson, Guest Contributor
Read “God’s Commands Are Filtered Through His Love” by Michael Kelley