“But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.”
1 Corinthians 15:20
Christ told the truth when He predicted that He would be killed and He would rise again! He really did! So on this upcoming resurrection Sunday, it will be great joy to proclaim the truth of what Jesus said and what Jesus did. What this means is that all mankind is divided into three groups:
- There are those who believe Jesus told the truth, is the truth, and really rose from the dead. These are the followers of Christ.
- There are those who have never heard about all this. The mission of the church is to tell this good news with those who have never heard.
- And then there are those who refuse to believe. And God’s Word is very clear – by refusing to believe you are choosing to be eternally separated from God.
But I have good news for you. If you choose to repent and trust Christ, you will realize that He died for you, too. He paid the penalty for your sins. And because He rose from the dead, He offers you the gift of eternal life. If you have been refusing to believe, why don’t you choose to believe this today? What a wonderful decision to make during this Holy Week.