“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” – Hebrews 11:6
Parties, presents, music, and food … It’s easy to get distracted and miss the real meaning of Christmas. And yet at that first Christmas, we read about a few who found it.
- The Shepherds: Now, these were the social nobodies. And yet, God chose to send them a supernatural birth announcement, personally delivered by a host of angels. Astonished as they were at all they had witnessed, they chose to believe and went in search of Jesus. And they found Him. They found Christmas.
- The Wise Men: Another unexpected choice were these foreigners, pagans from another culture. Studying the stars for insight, God spoke to them. Stepping out in faith, they followed a star that appeared in the sky – thinking that it meant the birth of a special king. And when they found Jesus – they found Christmas.
The shepherds found Christmas because they believed in the Word of God. The wise men found Christmas because they sought out Jesus. The same can be true for you and for me. When we believe God’s Word and meet Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord, we too can experience TRUE Christmas – guaranteed!
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