March 25, 2024

“The pride of your heart has deceived you.”
Obadiah 1:3

The Bible warns against pride all throughout the Bible. 

It’s found at the root of every sin, every rebellion, and every act of foolishness.

The word for “pride” used in Obadiah is the Hebrew word “zadown,” which can also refer to arrogance or presumption. It was used to describe the Edomites, who assumed themselves to be secure in the clefts of rocks, not imagining that anyone could bring them to the ground (Obadiah 1:3). But they were wrong. Because of their arrogance and pride, God declared He would bring them down (Obadiah 1:4), and indeed He did.

You see, pride deceives our hearts.

And our hearts are already deceitful.“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)

Honestly, I see similarities between myself and the Edomites. At times I become prideful of my so-called ‘high position’ at work. My self-sufficiency gives me a false sense of security, and pride raises its ugly head.

Has that ever happened to you?

Or have you ever bought into a lie you heard about someone? When you found out the truth, did it make you sick at heart that you had been deceived?

Here are questions I must ask myself:

  • Why do I think I’m smart enough to figure things out on my own? (My pride)
  • Do I think I’m discerning enough to determine what to do in a given situation – apart from God? (Yep – my pride)
  • How have I convinced myself that I can handle things on my own? (Yes again – my pride)

As you can see, all of these things are rooted in pride.

And my pride has deceived me.

But you see – Jesus, with His gentle and humble heart (Matthew 11:29), rescues us by conquering the pride in our hearts and overcoming the enemy’s deception as He brings us into the Light of His kingdom. 

How is your heart?

Is pride deceiving you today?

How would it look to humble yourself before God and ask Him to help you see the right way instead? 

Written by Anynomous


Read “The Danger of Spiritual Pride” by Jonathan Munson