December 17, 2019

“…you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” – Matthew 1:21

A new baby has arrived! Birth announcements from friends and family proudly celebrating their new addition to the family are often in our mailbox. A new life is always such a wonderful and exciting time. Yet, when Jesus was born, His birth announcement was pretty supernatural. Coming straight from heaven, God sent a host of His angels to proclaim this momentous event: “Today in the city of David has been born for you a Savior who is Christ the Lord.” Imagine the shock of the shepherds who experienced this heavenly birth announcement!

Okay, but you might have a follow-up question: What’s the big deal? Why do I really need a Savior?

God’s Word is clear that we all need a Savior because we have all sinned. And in the process, that sin separates us from God. If we die while separated, that means hell…and that’s bad news. But Christmas is all about good news! Christmas is the start of God’s redemption plan through Christ, who came to pay the penalty for our sins in order that we are forgiven and made right with God. For those who believe, Jesus saves us from our sin and, ultimately, hell. Jesus brings us back into a relationship with our heavenly Father who wasn’t satisfied to just sit back and leave us. No, God chose to announce to the world His great love for you and for me through the birth of Jesus Christ. But it’s a choice. Just like a gift given at Christmas, we all must choose to accept it.

As you rush around getting ready for Christmas this year, remember WHY Jesus came. Understanding and experiencing the love of God through Christ is the key to having a very merry Christmas this year.


When God blesses us, He has more than us in mind.
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