“One Christian life can make a difference.” – George B. Wright, Sr.
This was my Dad’s favorite saying. In his honor, I am beginning a series of devotionals from my Dad’s top ten “power-packed phrases.”
This was his favorite “One Christian life can make a difference.” It was his favorite because he wanted his life to make a difference for Jesus. It was his passion.
I wish you could have known him. He was my hero. He was the finest Christian I have ever known. And everyone who knew him would say that their favorite thing about him was how he lived. He was something else.
Was it his faith? Love? Joy? Integrity? Yes, to all of the above. But most of all it was his encouragement. He had the gift of encouragement.
The gift of encouragement isn’t someone who tries to make you feel better, but someone, who when you’re around them, makes you feel better about yourself. Everyone felt that way with Dad.
He gave me a picture of what our Heavenly Father is like. What could be better than that? He really was “One Christian life that made a difference.”