It’s said there are 2 things you don’t talk about – politics and religion.

Well, this isn’t political or about “religion,” but about my relationship with Jesus Christ.

One night as a teenager attending a Christian camp, the speaker shared the greatest love story of all time. He told in detail what Jesus went through during crucifixion. I knew Jesus died on the cross and even called myself a Christian. But that night, I believed Jesus went through the agony of the cross for me, to pay for my sin. I thought I was a pretty good person, but as I recognized my own sin, I knew I had just been using God to meet my needs.

Hearing of Jesus’ love for me helped me realize I needed a Savior. That night was the turning point of my life. I began a personal relationship with Christ to follow His will. It became the most important reality in my life.

Do you have a story like that?

This is Bryant Wright speaking right from my heart.