Jonathan Munson, Executive Director
“What should I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour?’ No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name!”
John 12:27
I talk to myself.
Don’t you?
It’s okay. It doesn’t mean we’re crazy (at least, I hope not). Everyone talks to themselves. Sometimes, we talk out loud; other times, we conduct internal conversations that no one hears but us and the Lord.
Here’s what I’ve noticed. My internal conversations don’t just contain statements. They’re also filled with questions like, “Why did you just say that?” “How are we going to afford this?” or “What’s for dinner tonight?”
Questions are a natural part of my inner dialogue. I imagine they are for you as well.
Recently, I read an insightful comment in The Red Sea Rules by Robert Morgan.
Morgan writes:
“The next time you’re overwhelmed, instead of asking, ‘How can I get out of this mess?’ try asking, ‘How can God be glorified in this situation?’ One’s perspective is entirely changed by the spiritual realities behind that approach. It’s like switching on floodlights in a dark stadium.”
When I read those words, my heart was flooded with light. I was in a stressful situation and had lost sight of my bigger purpose. Isn’t it strange how problems make us forget what’s most important? When facing a trial, we tend to focus on what’s temporary instead of what’s eternal, momentarily forgetting the ultimate purpose of life is to glorify God.
No matter your current circumstances, what would it look like for you to actually ‘change the question’ bouncing around your brain?
Instead of asking yourself- “How am I going to make it?” or “When is this going to be over?” or the ever-popular, “Why is this happening to me?” What if you changed the question to: “How can I glorify God in this situation?”
I’m not trying to downplay your frustration or minimize your pain. I would feel the same way if I had walked in your shoes. But at the end of the day, we only get one shot at this thing called ‘life.’ As my mom was fond of saying, “This life is not a dress rehearsal.”
Considering how fleeting life is, we must make the most of every opportunity to glorify our Heavenly Father, especially during the stressful seasons of our lives.
For the Christian, bringing glory to God is a twenty-four-hour, seven-day-a-week, 365 days a year responsibility. We seek to glorify Him, not only in times of pleasure, but also in times of pain. We are not excused from honoring God because life is hard. Actually, we can bring God more glory in our pain than when life is easy. How? Because adversity gives us the opportunity to demonstrate the genuineness of our faith and declare to everyone around us that we treasure God above all else.
Here is what it looks like to glorify God when life is tough:
Because Jesus is our joy, we radiate a positive attitude and worshipful spirit. We keep praising Him for who He is even when we don’t see His hand at work. We continue to walk in obedience to His Word. We practice self-control and strive for purity. We choose not to seek revenge on those who’ve hurt us. And most of all, we wholeheartedly resolve to keep trusting, keep praying, and keep manifesting His strength in our weakness.
If you think about it, this is exactly what Jesus did.
Days before His death, He was deeply troubled. Can’t you imagine that Jesus had questions, too? His impending torture and death were almost too much to bear. But instead of running from the cross…instead of looking for a way out…Jesus submitted to His Father’s will and sought to “glorify His name” (John 12:27).
Again, the words of Robert Morgan are helpful, “In other words, at the onset of the most excruciating week of His life, Jesus asked not, ‘How can I get out of this?’ but ‘How can God’s name be glorified?’”
I’m so glad Jesus ‘changed the question’ in His mind. Aren’t you?
Right now, you may not be able to change your circumstances, but you can change your question.
How can you glorify God in your situation?
Read “When Life Hits Hard” by Bryant Wright