“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:42
We live in a very selfish world. In fact, we’re all naturally selfish. Think about it – you never have to teach a baby how to want what they want, when they want it! Selfishness is a result of fallen man that goes all the way back to Adam and Eve wanting what they were not supposed to have.
When a person comes to the realization that he or she really is trapped in the hopelessness of sin and selfishness, the search for a savior begins. That savior, however, isn’t found in a list of good works or in more self-discipline. The only One in this world who is able to bridge the gap between sinful man and a Holy God is God’s only Son, Jesus. For Jesus, perfect and without sin because He is God in the flesh, took our sin upon Himself to pay the penalty for our sins once and for all.
Sin will still exist in the life of a new believer, but that sin has been forgiven and wiped away. The new desire in our life is to be more and more like Jesus in our words and deeds. As we trust Him and learn to walk with Him in faith, our lives begin to change. We surrender our will for His will as we want to please Him more than ourselves.
There’s that element of “will” again. The scripture above captures the heart of Jesus as He was praying that night before His crucifixion. He knew what was to come, and yet, He trusted Father God completely. He submitted His natural will to that of His Father’s.
You and I are faced with decisions between selfishness and goodness every day. It’s hard to give up what we want or desire from a worldly or even a pleasure perspective, but that still small voice of the Holy Spirit will always be prompting us to submit to the will of the Father versus our own.