“…godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” – 1 Timothy 4:8
What would you do if you knew that today was your last day to live? Would you try to make a couple extra bucks and stay late at the office working hard? Would you spend time with your family, or express thanks to those who’ve helped you along the way? Would you seek to get right with God?
Most of us tend to prioritize the material and temporal at the neglect of the eternal and relational.
But none of us knows the number of days God has planned for us. So, don’t put off until tomorrow the really important things you can do today – like getting right with God.
God became a man in the person of Jesus to show us how. Start there, and show your family how much you love them. Surprise them by occasionally coming home early. Tell them you love them. Plan fun things to do with them. Help someone you care about – someone who needs you at the office, in the neighborhood, or maybe someone who simply needs a friend.
It may not be your last day here on earth, but it might just become a great day for you and those you care about.