July 09, 2023

“Therefore, we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:9

“Cease striving and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10a

Do you seek to please God or simply trust Him?

I believe many of us would say that we desire to do both, but if you had to choose or focus on one or the other, which would it be?

In pleasing God, we put ourselves in a “what must I do” frame of mind. It requires considerable effort to do those things that are “good and acceptable in the sight of the Lord.” Our way then becomes paved with good intentions as we strive to please God.

That word, strive, means “struggling in opposition,” and that really sums it up. We are not perfect, and those imperfections and shortcomings will continue to follow us as long as we live. “Trying to please,” in and of itself, becomes an ongoing challenge.

Conversely, Scripture says to “cease striving” … to be still and know that God is God. Instead of all the manufactured effort, perhaps we should rest more in accepting God’s grace. After all, it’s His free gift to us. Though our sin is still there, it’s covered by the Grace of Christ’s blood. When our faith and trust are in Jesus, we can know that He is standing between us and our sins before a Holy Father.

Quoting from the leadership book, Truefaced:

“Effort born out of striving to please God never ceases to tire us. Effort born out of resting in His pleasure never ceases to renew us.”

You see, pleasing God is a by-product of trusting God.

When we trust God wholly, He is nothing BUT pleased.

So, stop striving. Start trusting.

Written by Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH