“…with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” – 2 Peter 3:8
Time. What is it? We all understand it intuitively and experientially. We talk about it more than just about any topic. It seems that none of us ever have enough of it. It quite literally controls our lives. Yet, it’s no real surprise to most of us that God’s time table is completely different than ours. The Bible tells us that to God, one day is as 1000 years and 1000 years are as one day. He sees the past, present, and future all at once, for He is over time. That blows my mind. We are so finite. We begin, we end. God is infinite. He always was, is, and will always be. Isn’t that amazing?
When we get to heaven, there will be no clocks, no calendars – just unlimited time. That unsettles me. Clocks and calendars give order to my life. A place with no time just boggles my mind. But we’ll never be tired, and that will be great! Even though God is over time, at the perfect time He became one of us – as a baby boy. He invaded history right on time – BC/AD – it was the zero hour – to show us Himself and save us from sin and offer us eternal life with Him – timeless life. Isn’t that amazing? Won’t you take “time” to consider this?