“Behold children are a gift of the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward.” – Psalm 127:3
Sadly, over the last few decades, Dr. Leila Denmark, a well-known Atlanta pediatrician, noticed and said, “Every animal on earth takes care of its own until they’re able to take care of themselves, except us. We have brainwashed people into thinking that there’s something greater out there than being a mother.”
Ellen Wilson Fielding, who left her prestigious job as book editor of the Wall Street Journal to be at home full time with her son, came to see it this way: “I felt I was going to a greater thing when I left the Wall Street Journal to care for my son.” She said, “For the essence of motherhood is the acceptance of God’s offer to share in the creation and development of another human being. The question was not whether the job was good enough for me, but whether I was good enough for the job.”
So, why should Mother’s Day be a day that we set aside each year to show our enduring love and appreciation for our mothers? Because motherhood is the toughest, most demanding, yet most important job in the world. With the many choices for women today, let’s not forget that there is no calling of God more important than being a mom.