“Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings…” Hebrews 10:19 – 22a
What if God Himself asked you, “Why should I let you into My heaven?”
How would you answer?
I have used that question for many years to determine someone’s understanding of salvation.
Some say, “Well, that’s a pointless question because there is no God.” Others say, “I think God will let me into heaven. I’m basically a good person. I’ve done more good than bad.”
And a few say, “I’ve got no chance to get into heaven. God would never accept me into heaven after some of the things I’ve done.”
Let’s take a look at these responses and what the Bible says about them:
Response #1: “There is no God.”
Because Christianity is about a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, if a person doesn’t believe in God, they have no relationship with God. When death arrives, there is only eternal separation from God in hell. It is the only place where a person would feel comfortable. If that person rejected God all their life, the last person they would want to spend eternity with is Him. God loves us enough to give us free will to choose or reject a relationship with Him.
Response #2: “I’m a good person.”
This is a complete misunderstanding of Christianity. The Bible says if we’re going to get to heaven by good deeds, we must be perfect. But no one – except Jesus – is perfect. So, we need God’s grace and mercy to get in. This is received through faith. In other words, it means believing that sinless Jesus paid the penalty for all our sins. He took upon Himself the judgment we deserve through His death on the cross. That’s why His grace is so amazing. This leads to the next response.
Response #3: “I’ve got no chance of getting into heaven. God would never accept me after what I’ve done.”
Remember, this is why the grace of God is so awesome. Jesus died for sinners. That means He died for us all, no matter what we’ve done. No sin is stronger than the forgiveness of the cross. This is great news – good news for all.
Will you believe it? Once you do, you’ll receive your ticket to heaven.
Written by Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH