“And when (the Holy Spirit) comes, He will convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgment.”
One of the great rewards of knowing Jesus is receiving His gift of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to us to be our Helper, Comforter, and Guide. Once we are saved and belong to God, the Spirit takes up residence in our hearts forever.
Let’s apply that gift to something that impacts our everyday lives.
Why is it that we have such a hard time staying true to God during times of temptation? Because oftentimes, in taking our eyes off of Jesus, the temptation itself becomes too big to resist.
Sadly, when we give in to temptation, the result is guilt. If we keep repeating that sin over and over, we can become numb and eventually lose sight of the freedom that God offers from the guilt of sin.
But here’s where that gift comes in!
The Holy Spirit convicts us to push back, to say no, and to do what is pleasing to God. He offers strength to overcome that temptation and helps us find the way out through the example of Jesus found in scripture.
After all:
Jesus is the Source of what is truly supernatural: resistance to temptation.
All too often, we try to be “good enough” on our own and in our own strength. But this is doomed from the start. Because when we face temptation, we’re up against spiritual powers of darkness and evil that are stronger and smarter than any of us.
Thankfully, for the Jesus-follower, we don’t have to live in this “I can do it alone” mentality.
We can claim the power of the Holy Spirit to find true victory in every moment that tempts us to take our eyes off Jesus.
Written by Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH
Read “Fix Your Eyes on Jesus” by George Wright