November 04, 2023

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  2 Timothy 3:16-17

Imagine a book beginning with one author and then over 1600 years and about 40 different writers later, it’s finally completed.

You wouldn’t expect to find one clear message from beginning to end – no, not with all those writers and over such a long time period.

But that is exactly what happened with the Bible.

Beginning about 1500 BC and completed about 100 AD, the Bible has many different writers and tells one unified message – one story.

How is that possible? In spite of all the different writers, there was only one author:

The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit guided each writer from beginning to end, telling one cohesive story, the story of Jesus. From the Old Testament to the New – everything points to Jesus.

The Bible describes Scripture as being “God-breathed.” In other words, it was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Now this is pretty incredible, but it doesn’t stop there.

The Bible is also timeless.

Every age, from 1500 BC to 2023 AD – the Word of God still applies. It applies to all races and cultures, all ages and languages. Why? Because the message of the Bible is infallible. It’s perfectly true – you can count on it!

So is the Bible trustworthy?

Absolutely! God gave us this incredible book that tells one story, from the first page to the last, the story of Jesus.

It’s a story worth reading. It might just change your life.

Written by Bryant Wright, Founder. RFTH


Read “There is No Book Like the Bible” also by Bryant Wright