“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:8-10
I recently (and somewhat painfully) learned that order matters when you combine ingredients in a recipe. You combine all the dry ingredients, then all the wet ingredients, and then combine the two. And if you get it out of order, the recipe doesn’t come outright.
Order matters, and when things get out of order, there are consequences.
Sadly when it comes to our lives in Christ, we have the tendency to get things out of order.
It seems to me that the apostle Paul wove a thread of the correct order throughout his writings. And the order of God’s work in and through us matters much – if we get these things out of order, we will drift away from a Christ-centered perspective into either moralism or license.
Order matters, so here are the 3-steps:
True life in Christ begins when someone not only hears but believes the message of the gospel, knows their need, and sees Jesus as supremely valuable. That person turns from their self-lordship and embraces the new life in Christ.
When someone believes the gospel, everything is changed. Yes, believing the gospel changes where you will spend eternity. But the response to the gospel does more than determine a person’s eternal trajectory; it determines a person’s identity. It does more than change where you’re going, it changes who you’re becoming.
When we believe the gospel, we become new. New identity. New desires. New goals. New Lord. New everything. And although we are made new on the inside, the Holy Spirit continues to invest His transformative power in us so that our outer actions catch up with our inner identity.
This leads to step 3…
This process of growing up in Christ happens as we must time and time again embrace what God has done for us in Christ. Sanctification happens as our behavior falls into line with our identity. Paul’s theology, the “believe, become, behave” model, recognizes that we have already become something new in Christ. We are already different. That means that the behavior part is not an effort to become something different; it’s about recognizing and living out the newness that is already in us.
Order matters. But we have the tendency to take these things in the wrong order, and when we do, we get a misshapen view of our life in Christ. For example, if you interchange “become” with “behave,” then you have a “believe, behave, become” model that implicitly teaches that if you behave in the right way, you can at last become something good and acceptable to God. That’s not the gospel; it’s moralism in which we are trusting in ourselves to do the work only God can do.
Order matters. It matters a lot.
When we understand and embrace the order of God’s work in us and others, we are prepared to grow in the gospel which prizes Christ above all things.
Written by Michael Kelley, Guest Contributor