“Now, O LORD my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties.” – 1 Kings 3:7
Think back to the time when you finally entered adulthood.
Maybe it was leaving the military or college, taking that first job, or having your first child. All of a sudden, you realize it’s time to grow up.
I’ll never forget those feelings when I finished college, moved to Augusta, and took a job in corporate America. This was before Anne and I got married and years before I went into ministry. For several weeks, I’d wake up each morning and think, “You know, I’m supposed to be an adult, but I still feel like a kid.”
I was scared to death.
That’s what King Solomon felt when he unexpectedly and suddenly became the king of Israel. He felt overwhelmed with the weight of all this responsibility. Solomon was called to lead a great nation whose history included names such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. It was a nation with a lineage of extraordinary, Godly leaders like Moses, Joshua, and even his own father, David. Reflecting on all of this, Solomon felt as though he didn’t measure up. Stepping into this critical leadership role, he felt like a small child, completely in over his head.
Now, think about that for a minute. Children are utterly dependent on their parents. So, when Solomon spoke to his Heavenly Father after the death of his earthly father, all he could say was, “I feel like a little child.” He expressed an utter dependence on his Heavenly Father. That’s actually not a bad place for a king to begin. And it’s not a bad place for all of us to be.
Approach your life as a little child, completely dependent on your Heavenly Father. God will provide; He will never disappoint.
With the faith of a child, we can live like mature adults.
Written by Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH