Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH
“Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what He had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah bore him.”
Genesis 21:1-3
One of the most difficult and emotionally painful things that couples deal with, especially for women, is the inability to have a child.
If this describes your situation, you should take special interest in the stories of the first ladies of the faith – Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel.
Sarah was ninety years old when God fulfilled His promise, and she supernaturally conceived Isaac.
Rebekah did not give birth to her twins until she had been married for twenty years.
Rachael struggled for years to have a child, while her older sister, Leah, had many.
I hope many of you struggling with infertility can find tremendous hope in these stories. Undoubtedly, you have a great point of identification with the first ladies of the faith. Their struggle is your struggle. Your struggle is their struggle. And note that when they were finally able to have a child, they had a greater appreciation for God’s blessing in their life.
It’s also so important to notice how, for each of these women, prayer was central. It was specifically answered prayer when God brought about life in the barren wombs of these women. Listen up, husbands, and pay attention to the active role that these husbands played in praying for God’s help in giving them a child.
Regardless of the medical treatment you may seek or whatever home remedies you might try, don’t forget the most important thing: to pray and to seek God’s will. If He blesses you with a child, remember that God is the Giver of life. Perhaps God will give you clarity about giving a godly home to a child in need of parents through adoption. If He doesn’t, know that He has a better plan for your life, and He will give you the strength to find out what that is.
Whatever happens, God is the Giver of all life – He gave you life – and He wants all our lives to be fulfilled according to His purpose.
Read “Does God Expect All of Us to Have Children?” at GotQuestions.org