There are all sorts of seekers today, searching for truth and the answer to life. Would you describe yourself as a seeker? The original...
The candle lighting service is a beautiful moment of our church’s Christmas Eve celebration. When all the lights are out in the Sanctuary, we...
God intrudes. The life of Jesus is bracketed by two impossibilities: a virgin’s womb and an empty tomb. Jesus entered our world through a...
Picture the scene: An angel had just informed Mary that she, a virgin, would soon be pregnant and, as a matter of fact, would...
Have you ever been visited by an angel? A TV series that was popular years ago was built around people who were “touched by...
When we think of the wise men who visited Jesus, we normally picture the gifts of gold, frankincense, and (my personal favorite) myrrh that...
Giving and Christmas go hand in hand, but have you ever thought about where giving gifts at Christmas originated? Some will suggest giving began...
Many Christians think this verse contains a contradiction. There is no contradiction. It merely has the appearance of being a contradiction. Read the complete...
I learned about the Second Coming of Christ as a child in Sunday School. One thing that puzzled me was hearing that everybody would...
First popularized in the USA by George Beverly Shea, “How Great Thou Art” has been recorded by hundreds of artists as diverse as Elvis...
One day, a bird became caught in our chimney and flew into our house. I tried desperately to get it out of the door,...
This may be difficult for some to admit, but the bottom line is, all of us enjoy applause: whether on the athletic field, the...