July 08, 2023

“…not by works, so that no one can boast.”  Ephesians 2:9 

If you’re a good person, you’ll go to heaven.


While there will be many “good” people in heaven, there is much more to the story.

The Word of God offers us clarity here. Ephesians 2:9 says, “This is not your own doing,” it is grace alone that saves. Verse 9 reiterates the same point but with new words, “…not by works, so that no one may boast.” 

As he writes these verses, I believe the apostle Paul understands the powerful gravitational pull of works-based salvation. He knows how quickly we seek to make God’s gift of salvation and approval about ourselves and what we can accomplish and prove. He understands the temptation of the performance treadmill (You see what happens when you get on a treadmill, right? You walk and run like crazy, yet you go absolutely nowhere!). 

Many people approach salvation in much the same way. They think, “If I work hard and perform the right way, do the right things, say the right prayers, and attend the right church, I will have proven my worth to God and be worthy of His love. I know I’m not perfect, but I am better than that jerk who lives down the street. So hopefully, God will recognize that, ignore my flaws, and grade on the curve. Then I’ll be good to go!”

That line of thinking, while very common, is anti-gospel. In fact, the opposite of the Gospel is the belief that I can do my best to be a good, religious person. You see, the resurrection is not only good news because Jesus rose from the grave but because He invites us all (who could never save ourselves) to receive the gift of new life that comes in the finished work of Christ! 

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 

Friends, remember that nothing we can do will ever save us. Salvation comes only through what Christ has done for us.

Taken from a sermon by George Wright, Senior Pastor, Shades Mountain Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL