“Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.”
1 Peter 2:16-17
Peter speaks to standing against corrupt and evil authority in our spiritual journey.
The temptation is to fight a spiritual battle in a fleshly way using the world’s methods. It is easy for Christians to slip into this way of ‘fighting’ because we have forgotten God’s will and been pulled into the sewer of society by trying to fight this battle on their terms.
Peter offers a correction: Your freedom does not give you permission to sin for the sake of what you say you believe. The way we fight matters. Fighting against sinful authority with sinful actions means we are using our freedom as a cover-up for evil. If you walk away from God’s will and His ultimate authority, you are using your freedom as a cover-up for evil.
What does it look like to live in freedom, not using our freedom as a cover-up for evil? Verse 17 illustrates and challenges us to consider God at His word.
“But I don’t agree with everyone!”
Honor is not about agreement. Honor is not about endorsing different lifestyles or beliefs. Honor shows dignity and treats people like they are made in the image of God. Every life is made in the image of God, so we are called to be true advocates for life and honor everyone as an individual who bears the image of God. We are called to honor everyone, praying they will see in the way we interact with them that they are created and valued by God and their greatest joy in life will be found in Him.
This is the call to love those in Christ’s body.
Why? Because the world will know that you are truly disciples of Jesus Christ by your love for one another (John 13:35). Every human being is longing to be loved. Would anyone want to listen to what we say about God if we do not demonstrate love for His people?
Peter reminds us again of God’s sovereign rule.
He is the ultimate authority. Do not lose sight of this reality and become so consumed with the things of this world that you forget the King of kings and Lord of Lords is coming on the clouds with the sword of justice in his mouth to end injustice and evil once and for all!
What a statement of faith this is!
Peter reminds us every human authority has been put there by God, including evil and ruthless emperors (like Nero). How can you honor leaders – whether good or bad? By doing good and trusting God at his word. In the face of persecution, the church grew, the gospel spread throughout the known world, God’s word was proclaimed, and the church of Jesus Christ was not overcome by evil but overcame evil with good.
Nero is now just a line in a history book, and the church of Jesus Christ is an unstoppable force impacting the world with the good news of the gospel. Some of the most powerful moments in the church’s history have happened when the human authority put in place by God was very difficult to honor, and the church chose to believe God at His word.
What will church history say about us? What will be said about the church in our culture during this season?
May it be said that we were a people who were not overcome by evil but overcame evil with good. That we were truly living in freedom. May it be said that we lived in the center of God’s will, striving for the glory of God above all else. May it be said that the kingdom of God came on earth as it is in heaven because the people of God believed in God’s purposeful sovereignty and faithfulness!
What about you?
What will be said about you?
Taken from a sermon by George Wright, Senior Pastor, Shades Mountain Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL
Read “What is Christian Freedom?” at GotQuestions.org