“…an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.'” – Matthew 1:20
Imagine your high school honey, the girl you love and believe to be faithful because she doesn’t believe in sex before marriage, says, “I’m pregnant but don’t be mad, ‘cause I’m still a virgin.” Now, how would you respond? I imagine most of us would respond with something like, “I’m sorry – what? You can’t really expect me to believe that story.”
Well, over 2,000 years ago, this scenario actually happened. The guy’s name was Joseph and his pregnant fiancée was named Mary. Mary went on to tell Joseph that it was God who had caused her to become pregnant. Now at first, Joseph didn’t believe Mary. He had even decided to break off the engagement, when an angel appeared in a dream to let him know that Mary was telling the truth. Her pregnancy was a miracle in God’s plan to redeem mankind. So, being the good man that he was, Joseph stood by Mary’s side. Joseph chose to believe the Lord in faith.
For the rational, secular, scientific mind of the 21st century, this story can seem incredible. Inexplicable. Unbelievable. But, it truly is the story of Christmas—the story of Jesus’ birth.
The question is – do you believe it? Be it Jesus’ birth or His resurrection, you’ve got to fully believe it to fully experience the wonder of Christmas!
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