DNR Is There a Right Way to Pray?

February 12, 2023

“One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.’ ”  Luke 11:1



This one word carries so much meaning. For some, it’s a comfort and a refuge. It’s a place to connect honestly and openly with our Heavenly Father. For others, it may bring trepidation. For example, the fear of being asked to pray out loud is very real for many of us. So, it’s understandable how the fear of praying to the Holy God can overwhelm us.

Even the concept of prayer can bring confusion. Are we doing it right? Does God hear us? 

Jesus offers us a great example of how to pray – the Lord’s Prayer, found in Matthew 6:9-13. (There is also a shortened version in Luke 11:2-4.) But what stands out is the phrase, “Lord, teach us,” that the disciple uses to ask Jesus about prayer in Luke 11:1. 

Teach us, Lord.

Just asking this simple phrase has the power to remove all fear when it comes to prayer. It can remove a sense of stagnation and apathy for those who might have fallen into the trap of the same old prayer pattern. Asking Jesus how to pray also offers a sense of genuine humility because prayer is not something to be mastered. Talking with God should be enjoyed as a new experience each and every time. Most important is that we remain open and eager to learn what He has to teach us. 

As we open our hands to pray, the God of the Universe always shows up. He meets us right where we are – that’s a pretty incredible thought! 

So whether you have been following Jesus for a short season or for many years, I offer these three things as you continue to learn about prayer.

  • Think about your posture as you enter into prayer.
    • Kneeling is always humbling.
    • Sitting may allow you to concentrate more.
    • Maybe place your hands face up and be open to what God desires to show you about connecting with Him.
  • Use fewer words. This allows God to speak and respond to you. Be still and listen. This is the only way to pay attention to what He brings to mind.
  • Pray through a passage of scripture as a way to stay focused. A good place to begin is Psalm 16. Reflect on the character of God as you pray. 

However you pray, remember the important thing is that you DO talk to the Lord.

He is interested in every detail of your life.

Written by Melissa Edge Henderson, Guest Contributor