“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105
Yesterday, we looked at the fact that 83% of church-going Christians do not have a “biblical worldview.”
And what is a biblical worldview?
Having a biblical worldview means seeing the world through the lens of the Bible.
In reality, a biblical worldview influences how we see two worlds – the small world of our everyday lives and the vast, much larger world around us.
Here is how these two worlds play out in our lives:
• Our own little world – If we have a biblical worldview, Scripture impacts us right where we live, work and play. It shapes who we are, how we behave, and how we treat others in daily life. Like the psalmist, the Word of God functions as a lantern for our feet, shedding light on our path, guiding our decision-making, and helping us discern right from wrong.
• The great, BIG world – On a macro-level, having a biblical worldview means that Scripture is central to how we understand what’s happening in the world. My pastor says, “We need to make sure we read current events through the lens of Scripture instead of reading Scripture through the lens of current events.” And boy, are we living in eventful times!
How do we possibly understand everything going on from a biblical perspective?
Well, take a deep breath and pay close attention because this is important stuff.
Remember, our worldview influences everything about us.
The first step is rooting ourselves in the overarching narrative of the Bible. Pastor Jack Wellman writes, “a biblical worldview starts in Genesis 1:1 and ends with Revelation 22:21.”
You see, from Genesis to Revelation, there is one grand story in the Bible. Theologians summarize this metanarrative in 4 concepts:
1. Creation – There is one glorious, eternal God that intricately created the entire universe and made us in His image.
2. Fall – Mankind chose to rebel against God and fell into sin. This led to all kinds of brokenness in the world. Not only were there devastating consequences in creation, but even worse, our sin has separated us from a holy God.
3. Redemption –Through His death and resurrection, Jesus paid the price or “redeemed” us so we could be set free from the power and penalty of sin. When we place our faith in Him, we experience peace and fellowship with God.
4. Restoration – One day, in His perfect timing, Jesus will come again. He will restore this fallen world and usher in a kingdom of righteousness. Those who have faith in Christ will dwell with Him forever (Revelation 21:3).
Think of these 4 concepts as the corners of a picture frame, forming our perspective of the world. Not only do they shape our understanding of global events, but they also help us answer the BIG issues of life, such as our origin, our meaning/purpose, and our ultimate destination. C..S. Lewis eloquently explains: “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it, I see everything else.”
As the sun shines in the sky, may God’s Word illuminate our worldview.
Join us tomorrow for our conclusion on How Do You See the World? Part 3, where we’ll unpack how we formulate a Biblical worldview.
Written by Jonathan Munson, Executive Director, RFTH