“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
Yesterday, we talked about standing against the devil’s schemes.
Let’s continue.
Paul gets specific about who this battle is against. The battle is not against flesh and blood. It is a spiritual battle. In order to stand against the schemes of the devil, we have to:
How much of our energy and fighting is against flesh and blood? Most of it! Most of the time, we are wrapped up in the fights of flesh and blood rather than the spiritual battle. Paul tells us to change the focus of our fight! The only way to stand strong in a spiritual battle is to receive spiritual strength through the word of God. God has graciously given us spiritual resources to use in a spiritual fight.
When we moved to Birmingham, we gave our boys a PlayStation 4. When we first got it, our boys would be excited that they scored five touchdowns playing Madden football or pumped they hit seven home runs playing MLB The Show. Every time, I would say – “that’s not real life!” (what a buzz kill, right?! Thanks a lot, Dad). You didn’t score any touchdowns! You were playing a video game. Video games are not real life! The only way to score a touchdown is to go outside and play football and run with your legs (your real legs) while carrying a football with your real hands across a real goal line!
All this to say – many of us are all wrapped up and consumed in the wrong battle! We are looking at flesh and blood. You can’t stand strong in a spiritual battle when you are constantly fighting the wrong battle against flesh and blood. This is another important reason why we need the word of God. The word of God lifts up our eyes and reminds us of the reality of eternity. The word of God takes our focus away from here and now and puts it on that which lasts.
Make sure you are fighting the right fight! When you know the reality of the devil’s schemes, you recognize the importance of knowing the truth. When you are aware of the spiritual forces of evil that are warring against you, you realize the importance of fighting the right fight with spiritual resources.
Take up the armor God has provided for you! Stand firm in His strength and provision. Victory in this battle is not about your strength, it is about the strength of the foundation on which you stand.
Taken from a sermon by George Wright, Senior Pastor, Shades Mountain Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL
Read “What is the Full Armor of God?” at GotQuestions.org