“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.”
So, how do we stand up to the devil’s schemes – the father of lies?
How do we resist the lies of the enemy?
Ephesians 6 shows us:
Not just theoretically, but practically: Do you know the truth of God’s word? You will only know the truth of God’s word when you spend time in God’s word! It will take more than just on Sunday morning.
As Romans 12:2 says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” This is only possible through the word of God!
Since 1961, during the Kennedy administration, the President of the United States has received a daily briefing first thing in the morning. It is a top-secret document put together by the Director of National Intelligence containing the most pertinent security intelligence from the CIA, NSA, FBI, and Department of Defense. This briefing allows the president to know what is most important in the security decisions he must make as the leader of the free world. He does not have to read it or pay attention to it. But he should! He would be a fool to ignore it because it contains information that can help keep the country safe and secure and information that can help regulate foreign policy and military involvement worldwide.
In the same way – and on an eternally significant scale – we also are invited into a daily briefing more important than the top-secret information delivered to the President! To go into our day without spending time in the word of God is to go into a battle without armor.
A daily briefing first thing each morning reminds us of what is most important.
A daily briefing from the Lord reminds us He is in control.
A daily briefing from the Lord reminds us of the truth in a world of lies and deception.
A daily briefing from the Lord reminds us of our convictions amid pressure to compromise.
We have more access to the Word of God than any other generation in the history of the world. So, there’s really no excuse for Biblical illiteracy…not even ‘busyness.’ Imagine if the president did not read his daily briefings because he was too busy!
Do you want to stand firm against the devil’s schemes or not?
Then, you must get in the Word of God and put on the Armor of God.
Taken from a sermon by George Wright, Senior Pastor, Shades Mountain Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL
Read “What Does it Mean to Put on Christ in Ephesians 13:14? at GotQuestions.org