September 13, 2023

“Therefore, you grieve now; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you.” John 16:22

When you lose a loved one, people often sink deep into the dungeons of darkness as the colors of life fade away.

It often makes life feel meaningless. Losing a loved one might even bring your everyday life to a halt or make you feel very disoriented.

Some of us have already lost someone close in our lives, while others have yet to walk through that season – but they will. We all do. Because death is something that will come to all of us; it’s just a matter of time. Losing a beloved family member or a close friend is never easy, but understanding the stages of grief can sometimes help us navigate the journey.

Grief often begins with a feeling of numbness and denial, promoting an inability to accept the news. It’s a sense of disbelief that this person is really gone. Then once the reality of death settles in, a whole new wave of grief and emotions often comes crashing in.

It’s an emotionally challenging season, the specifics of which impact everyone individually.

For many, the loss of a loved one can also lead to a wave of anger with God as the world continues on as normal as if nothing has happened. But you’re left picking up the pieces of your now shattered world – never to be the same again. It may stir up feelings of depression, or the outlook that life is now meaningless without the one you lost. Finally, however, there will come acceptance– a coming to terms with the loss, and beginning to move on with life as you navigate your new normal.

The grieving process takes time, but it doesn’t have to crush you. 2 Corinthians 1: 3-5 reminds us that even in the darkest pain and grief, God wants to be our greatest comforter, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.  For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ, we share abundantly in comfort too.” 

God doesn’t rejoice in our sufferings. Quite the opposite.

He grieves, too, and He wants to comfort us.


Because He loves us. And even more, so that we can comfort others as they walk through their seasons of pain and suffering.

So, when you feel like you might be consumed by grief, cling to God’s strength. God understands loss – He saw His own Son, Jesus, die on the cross.

I can promise that walking with God through grief makes it so much easier. He knows what you’re feeling and offers you the hope, comfort, and strength to navigate each day.

Will you take Him up on His offer?

Will you let Him walk with you?

Written by Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH


“Grief is Never Easy” by Bryant Wright

“How do I find comfort and peace when I have lost a loved one to death?” at GotQuestions.org