“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'” – John 14:6
Every June 8, Muslims around the world acknowledge and remember the death and burial of Mohammad in Medina, Saudi Arabia. While all Muslims acknowledge Jesus as a good teacher and prophet, they miss the most important part of the story – Jesus’ death and resurrection. Yes, Jesus died on the cross but unlike Mohammad, Jesus didn’t stay dead. It’s that part of the story that makes all the difference!
Nothing is more important than the historical event of Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. No matter your background, religion, nationality, language, or race – the Gospel’s invitation of salvation is available for all mankind. Yes, it’s exclusive in there’s only one way to receive it – through faith in Jesus alone. But it’s also incredibly inclusive in that it’s available to anyone – anyone who is willing to receive it in repentant faith.
Have you trusted in Christ to receive forgiveness of sin and eternal life? What are you waiting for? Trust in the one who conquered death to offer life. I guarantee it will be the best decision you ever make.