Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH
“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his own wife, and they become one flesh.”
Genesis 2:24
From all I’ve seen and heard, divorce is one of the most painful experiences that a person can walk through.
Very often, people who face divorce feel hopeless. Sadly, many who turn to the church for help face rejection and feel unwelcome.
Many have shared their feelings of being outcast and shunned, even in cases where they were the spouse left behind. Sometimes, this is simply their misperception, but sometimes, it is very real.
Tragically, the Christian army is the only army in the world known to shoot its wounded.
Yes, Scripture teaches that God hates divorce, but that doesn’t mean He hates the divorced person. He loves the divorced person! God hates divorce because it rips apart the “one flesh” (physical, emotional, spiritual) union of a husband and wife. He hates it for many of the same reasons the divorced person hates divorce – most of all, for the pain and suffering it causes to so many lives. There is no doubt that divorce always results from sin, but it is not an unforgivable sin.
Jesus teaches us that He is a God of second chances.
He is a God of forgiveness.
When we trust in Christ and confess our sins to the Lord, we realize He loves and forgives us completely. We can find that total and complete healing in the person of Jesus Christ.
Are you ready to find healing?
Read “Yes, There is Hope After Divorce” also by Bryant Wright