“Now as for you, son of man, I have appointed you a watchman for the house of Israel; so you will hear a message from my mouth and you will give them warning from me.” Ezekiel 33:7
The best world leaders and top CEOs often rely on a trusted inner circle for advice.
They know when to ask for help and whom to trust. This same idea applies to our personal and professional lives.
Whose advice do you trust when it comes to your marriage, your kids, or your business? Mentors, life coaches, consultants, and counselors are everywhere, but what about your spiritual life? Where do you go when your faith journey gets hard?
God always speaks to us through His Word. However, God also places key people in our lives to encourage us, to speak the truth to us, and to support us along the way. Take the role of preacher. In the Bible, God told the prophet, Ezekiel, that preachers were to speak the Word of God, meaning the Bible, in order to teach, encourage, warn, and even correct. Now, this can be a challenge, especially when it involves delivering a warning or a harsh truth. But, just like a CEO’s closest advisor, the preacher is called to speak honestly and point out any potential obstacle, or sin, along the way.
In ancient culture, most cities were surrounded by huge walls as a defense against enemies. Along the top of the walls, watchmen were posted to warn of enemy threats. Preachers are meant to be our modern-day watchmen. When they preach the Word of God, they are doing their job. When they preach the word of man, they are worthless. So, are you paying attention?
Everyone needs some guidance in life. From teachers and friends to mentors and advisors – why should your spiritual life be any different?
If there’s no one you trust to tell you the honest truth, to encourage you on tough days, and to walk with you along your faith journey, ask God for someone today. Someone who will teach you God’s Word – the truth; because everyone needs a trusted inner circle.
Who’s in yours?
Written by Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH