“But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.” – Galatians 4:4
Action heroes, superheroes – have been childhood (and adult) favorites for generations. No matter how dire the situation, these seemingly “ordinary” individuals always seem to show up just in the nick of time to defeat evil and save the day! And who doesn’t love an unexpected hero making sure justice is carried out? There’s something that appeals to all of us when good triumphs over evil. This is especially true when evil just seems to be winning over and over again in the real world.
Unfortunately, these Super Heroes don’t really exist. But there IS a REAL Super Hero who showed up at just the right time in history to take on an evil that is still wreaking havoc on mankind today. Jesus came to literally save the day in a way that saves our lives – if we’re willing to let Him.
A little over 2,000 years ago, Jesus was born in Bethlehem during a Roman census requiring everyone to register in their hometown. For Joseph, a man in King David’s lineage, Bethlehem was home; so he began the journey with his very pregnant wife, Mary. Seventy miles later and finding no rooms available, Mary gave birth, under the law, and in a barn to her firstborn Son, Jesus. Conceived supernaturally to a virgin, Jesus was God. Born from a woman, Jesus was also Man.
Jesus was born so that He might live, die, and rise again in order to pay the penalty for our sin and forgive us. He made it possible for us to become adopted children of God – in spite of our sins, baggage, and brokenness. You see, Jesus is the only REAL Super Hero. That is what Christmas is all about and that is why He came.
So who’s your favorite Super Hero?