“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.” – Ecclesiastes 12:13 NIV
Do you ever feel like you’ve done it all? Success, wealth, pleasure, thrills and yet you feel empty inside? Solomon, the ancient king of Israel, was such a man. He had extraordinary success and wealth, incredible intellect, more women than a lot of famous athletes have access to, and yet it all became meaningless to him. He felt completely empty inside because he turned his back on God to pursue all that he wanted for himself. He was a classic example of a good man who started strong, but turned wrong and wound up empty.
But the good news of the story of Solomon is that late in his life, he came to his senses and turned back to God. After trying everything else, he said the key to life is “to fear God and keep His commandments.” Fear means ‘reverence.’ In other words, to revere God, worship Him and show you mean it by obeying His word.
Do you feel empty inside? Trust God and obey Him. Put Him first in your life, rather than the “things” that our short time on this earth has to offer. It’s the only key to real living.