“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light to my path.” – Psalm 119:105
The Bible is the best seller that many people buy, but never read. You can find at least one copy in most homes, just sitting on the shelf collecting dust. Yet, no book is richer or more timeless than the Bible. It is filled with story after story that are not only amazing to read, but once you get involved in it, you’ll find how God uses it to teach and guide us and how most of all, God uses it to help us know His mind and heart. Listen to what it says:
All Scripture is inspired by God. Amazing! Over forty authors, who wrote over a period of 1,600 years, were all inspired by the same God to give a clear and coherent message.
It’s also profitable for:
- Teaching–about God, man, and life.
- Reproof–it tells us when we go wrong and need to get right.
- Correction–it helps us get on the right track. Like a good doctor, it points out the problem and tells us the cure.
- Training in right living–it’s a manual for living in a way that’s pleasing to God.
Scripture shows us how we can face every challenge with wisdom and strength. The Bible is a great read. I hope you’ll read it with the faith that God wants to speak to you through His Word. You just may find the answers to your life.