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You’re probably listening to this in your car. Maybe you’re driving to or from work. Maybe you’re running errands or picking up the kids. Wherever you’re headed, it’s a good idea to check your blind spots.
Come to think of it, that’s pretty good advice for life too. We all have blind spots…you know…those personality traits that are obvious to everyone but us. One of our biggest blind spots is in our spiritual lives. We’re surrounded by so many creature comforts…distracted by so much entertainment that we are often oblivious to our true spiritual condition.
All of us are sinners in desperate need of a Savior. But I have good news…Jesus came to open the eyes of the blind. To offer us salvation.
So, do you want to see? I mean…really want to see? Then cry out to Jesus. When He opens your eyes, you’ll see life from a brand-new perspective.
This is Bryant Wright, speaking right from my heart. Visit right from the heart dot org and click Devotions to read the Daily Devotion and send to a friend!