Recently, I picked up my grandson’s school backpack and was shocked at how heavy it was.

Do you know the average student backpack weighs anywhere between 12-20 pounds?

That’s a big bag to lug around!

Now, you may not carry a backpack anymore, but I bet you know what it’s like to feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. What burdens are you carrying today?

Are they Relational? Financial? Is it stress from your job?  Or a difficult health situation?

The Bible tells us to “cast your cares upon the Lord because He cares for you.”

Now, the burdens will not magically go away, but they will seem lighter and easier to handle. You can find peace even in the middle of life’s struggles. 

Give Jesus a try. He loves you and will carry your burdens.

What have you got to lose? Except for a backpack of troubles!

This is Bryant Wright speaking right from my heart.