“Flee from immorality.” 1 Corinthians 6:18a
When we accept Jesus Christ, He cleanses us of the impure lives we have led.
But then we must look to continue to keep ourselves clean and deal with our sexuality in the manner that God designed. Here are six things we can do to help live a life of purity:
#1 Confess your struggle with sexual thoughts and temptations.
#2 Trust Christ as Savior and Lord. More than anything else, He saves you from sin and forgives you of sin. Ask Him to guide you in all you do.
#3 Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Call out and ask God to fill you daily. We can’t live the Christian life in our own strength, but God has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, working with the Word of God, gives us that inner “want to” to be pleasing to God.
#4 Remember the basics of staying close to God. Have a daily quiet time with Him, pouring your heart out to Him, thanking Him, and listening to Him through His Word. Practice weekly worship and Bible study with other believers. Be willing to trust and obey His Word. Be a good witness through your deeds and words. These are the things the Holy Spirit uses to shape the character of purity in us.
#5 Restrict what you view. Lust is fueled by porn and sensuality.
#6 Put sex in its proper context. See sex as a wonderful gift of God to be enjoyed in the context of committed love—in marriage alone—between a man and a woman. Otherwise, we are outside the bounds of God’s plan and live lives of impurity.
We will always fight impurity because we have a sinful nature.
But through the power of Jesus Christ, we can think pure thoughts and live lives of sexual purity.
Written by Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH