“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians 10:31
A Christian goes on vacation for the same reason that everybody else does. We all need to get away from everything back home for a while, to be refreshed in our zeal for life. In some respects, however, a Christian on vacation should be different.
Christians on vacation don’t consider worshiping God as something they only do “back home.” They should take the time and make a real effort to find a place for worship. Christians on vacation should be able to find the “rest” of a worship service more enjoyable than a fish on the line or another two hours of sleep.
Christians on vacation can become as refreshed for their work as a child of God as they do for their job. In visiting other churches, you might find a church that is in need and you could find yourself performing “Christians labors of love” for another church. In doing so, you just might find a new energy for Christ on vacation.
Christians on vacation can also return with new perspectives on their home congregation. Every few years, each of our ministers is given time off, a sabbatical, to rest from constant service, as well as a chance to visit other churches and bring back new ideas and zeal to put into action. I know every time I would come back from my time away, I would always be loaded with new ideas!
So, as you plan your summer vacations this year, take time to slot in visiting other churches on Sunday morning. You might be surprised at the blessings you will receive. And don’t forget, “whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”