“But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” Matthew 24: 36
Many people mock Jesus’ second coming and it’s understandable why. Ever since the beginning of the church, false teachers and prophets have fixated on this event to the point of even predicting the exact date of Jesus’ return. Each time that date has come and gone, skeptics scoff. The website, ReligiousTolerance.com, has cataloged forty-six false end-of-the-world predictions that many believed, spanning nearly 2000 years! The devil has definitely used these false predictions to make a mockery of Christianity.
In spite of the numerous opinions and debate, Jesus spoke plainly about His second coming in Matthew chapters 24 and 25. Before diving into what Jesus Himself prophesized about His own return, it’s important to remember that no one here on earth will ever know the exact date and time of His return (Matthew 24:36). Jesus couldn’t be more clear. If someone predicts the exact date and time, then you should instantly reject them as a false prophet.
So, what CAN we do as we await Jesus’ return? We can study God’s word and read what Jesus Himself spoke about concerning His second coming. We can pay attention to the world and view current events through a biblical lens. Most importantly, we can focus on walking with Christ in faith and sharing the Good News of Jesus with those who don’t yet know Him. Because for followers of Christ, no matter when the second coming occurs we can be sure that we will stand victorious with Him. Have you put your faith in Christ?
Have more questions about the End Times and recognizing the signs of which Jesus spoke? Key insights to these questions and more are available in Bryant’s latest book, The Stage is Set, available in paperback, Kindle, and CD at www.amazon.com or anywhere books or e-books are sold.