“Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a son, and they shall call His name Immanuel.” Matthew 1:23
Christmas is about a virgin birth. Do you believe it? Think about what it means if it isn’t true:
- It means Joseph and Mary lied about Jesus’ birth, which makes them despicable or delusional.
- It means the Bible contains lies, which makes it an untrustworthy book.
- It means the true nature of Jesus is missed. For without it, He’s just a man, conceived like you and me.
Question: Do you believe Jesus rose from the dead?
The Bible is clear. A person can’t be a Christian if he doesn’t believe it. Yet some so-called enlightened Christians believe in Jesus’ resurrection, but not His virgin birth! Often motivated by a desire to have fire insurance and yet be sophisticated, their intellectual inconsistency of believing one miracle and not another is a wonder to behold. And if Jesus rose from the dead, what’s the big deal about His virgin birth?
With God, nothing is impossible. I believe it’s true because I believe the Bible is trustworthy. What about you?
Christmas, without the virgin birth, is just an empty shell.