“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.”
1 John 4:20
A few years ago, I decided to do a 24-hour fast from all things news. I just needed a break, especially from all the bad news.
That day provided sweet relief for my weary mind and spirit.
When I turned on the TV, I was once again bombarded with images of evil, violence, hatred, and racism. (Surprise. Surprise.)
Fast forward a few years, and here we go again: Israel’s war with Hamas, Russia’s war against Ukraine, growing political division, and worldwide unrest. On and on it goes.
Will this hatred, polarization, and division ever end?
In earthly kingdoms, it will not. Only when Christ returns will there finally be true justice and peace for every race, tribe, tongue, and person. At long last, there will be harmony among mankind. What a glorious day that will be!
In the meantime, how do we, as Christians, respond to the blatant hatred in our nation?
The first step is asking God to identify any pride and prejudices, big or small, in our own hearts.
Because hatred is rooted in pride. And the danger with pride is just how quickly it can take root in our lives and without warning, turn into hatred, jealousy, bitterness, prejudice, and even racism.
The apostle John put it simply: “Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar.”
In order to be part of the solution, we need to ask God to align our hearts and minds with HIS.
In a world filled with hate and anger, pray for God’s unfailing love.
Following and loving Jesus is the best place to start.
Written by Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH
Read “When God Turns Evil Into Good” also by Bryant Wright